OSP Product Photographers in Scotch Plains, NJ
Product photography comes in many styles, and types. We have a photography studio located in Scotch Plains, NJ for about 8 years now. Before that, we were in Cranford, NJ for 30 years! And before that Westfield, NJ. We have photographed so many different products from grocery products for major food companies, jewelry for major designers, tableware companies, medical devices, fabrics so much more.
Just remember if I didn’t mention your type of product, it doesn’t mean we haven’t had the experience of photographing it, there are just too many to mention.
Call or email us and start your inquiry. We work with many folks just starting out, or seasoned professionals in ad agencies or manufacturers. Let’s get your product online looking awesome or printed catalog to sell!
Dream it
Dream it 〰️
“The ability to make a truly artistic photograph is not acquired off-hand, but is the result of an artistic instinct coupled with years of labor.”
Honestly written by,
Susan Bruno . Our Studio Productions Photography . 908.276.2229 . susan@ospdigital.com