Macro photography

Medical Device Product Photography Scotch Plains NJ OSP Photography

Product photography is what we do. Photographing products of any kind, is of utmost importance to selling your pieces. Be they sutures, to internal devices the need for detail is vital. Lighting on the product no matter the size is what will bring the most interesting aspect of it into light. Shine on the details, and to tell a story of what the product is used for in print and web.

Shooting very small detailed images requires special equipment, special macro lens, and in addition, extension tubes which will bring the product closer into focus. A difficult shoot, requiring patience and skill.

Keep it real

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness.
— Jon Kabat-Zinnuote Source

Honestly written by,

Susan Bruno . . our studio productions photography .