Commercial photography in Scotch Plains NJ
Consider OSP photography If you are looking for product photographers, who are experienced in not only in photography, but the production of large projects, either for print catalogs or e-commerce sites. Online eCommerce sites like; Grocery, health and beauty aids, beverage and many other products, are well within our expertise. Grocery eCommerce’s digital needs start with a great photograph for a shopper to click on. An image, a great visual to aid in the final purchase, a first impression.
Our Studio Productions AKA, OSP Photography has been handling large projects from start to sending your keyword enhanced, high res, white background images off to your team.
Ship your product to us, and we will organize your inventory and prepare for photography. For post work, all the processed, retouched and color corrected images are then edited using clipping paths for white or transparent backgrounds.
Grocery eCommerce
grocery online shopping
““A good photograph is knowing where to stand.”
Ansel Adams”
honestly written by susan bruno
our studio productions | | | 908.276.2229