Its All in the Details
Photo shoots with ad agencies are very different these days. With virtual software we can pretty much be at a shoot together whether you are in Florida or California, or for that matter anywhere in the world. As long as there is internet.
In the past, account executives, art directors and sometimes the client were often on set for the shoot. It was a time of interaction, actual face time and getting to know one another. Relationships were built and usually an ad agency - photographer connection was made. Knowing many of our clients for over 30 years at this point is common for us, and other studios.
Now in 2018 not so much with the gathering at the photo shoots. Even though we are extremely easy to get to, from anyway in the tri-state area, most clients do not choose attend the shoots. E-mail digitally delivery of images is extremely efficient and easy. We use WeTransfer for our digital deliveries: Our clients find this very easy to use. :)
Our New Jersey photography studio is a welcoming place for our clients to visit or to stay for the shoot. Of course free Wi-Fi, free parking, and great restaurants in our area. Come for a visit (By appointment only) or schedule a shoot. We are here!
Day one at our new location.
Our Studio Productions 1737 e. 2nd Street, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 908.276.2229