Store Closings Cause Need to Sell Online
For almost two months most retail stores have had to close temporarily. At least that is what they thought. Some are closed for good. OSP has been through some really difficult times, and have thought after losing a major client, 85% of our work, we’d have to close.
Knowing what that is like, having to reinvent ourselves, find another way through a bad time, boy we can sympathize.
If your store is closing, or you have merchandise you need to sell online we can be of help, with our Scotch Plains, NJ photography studio, having only ‘Contact-less’ photoshoots. Ship or drop off at our door, we can meet you and practice social distancing, wearing of course masks!
Online selling is so much important during this shut-in time, needing to shop for everything from food, clothes and everything else you can think of. Staying home is creating even more online shoppers from need or boredom.
“Photography helps people to see.”